-UMPS: 第一次出現在這集:翻譯 [Summer Camp Island] EP23 Director's Cut
-老金勾住在聲之塔和她的第一次出場:翻譯 [Summer Camp Island] EP32 The Soundhouse
1. swing by: to visit a place or person for a short time = drop by/in
-造句: I'll swing by your house on the way home from work.
2. cancel out: if two or more things cancel out or one cancels out the other, they are equally important but have an opposite effect on a situation so that the situation does not change (抵消)
-造句: Recent losses have cancelled out any profits made at the start of the year.
3. ocarina 陶笛
4. Inside Passage 內灣航道:請參考維基百科超連結,看起來是阿拉斯加地區專用詞
5. rustle (v): 發出颯颯/ 沙沙聲
6. spy on somebody/something: to watch somebody/something secretly
7. scene (n): a loud, angry argument, esp one that happens in public and is embarrassing
-造句: She had made a scene in the middle of the party. (片中老金勾對巴瑞說: You are causing a scene. 當巴瑞說她的超市吵架模擬很可笑時)
8. stand up for somebody/something: to support or defend somebody/something
9. flex your muscles: to show somebody how powerful you are, esp as a warning or threat
10. soar (up) (into something): to rise quickly and smoothly up into the air
-造句: The rocket soared (up) into the air.
11. moonlit (adj): 被月光照的
12. duel (n): (古早時) a formal fight with weapons between two people who disagreed, especially over a matter of honour (就是老金勾的繩索上擊劍)
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這集的片名我猜是從《當哈利遇上莎莉》(When Harry Met Sally...)來的,但劇情一點關係也沒有就是了啦。
其實哈利和巴瑞在物理上決鬥時,我就猜他們兩個在一起算了,結果還真的 XDDDDD
下一集,奧斯卡與艾吉豪會到 UMPS 裡出任務,大家期待一下~