* 影片超連結
請問 "Too much loose change." (5:52) 露西說的這句有什麼比較好的解釋嗎?
1. dent (n): a hollow place in a hard surface, usually caused by something hitting it (指小蘇額頭長期貼在桌上導致的凹痕)
2. ingrained (adj): that has existed for a long time and is therefore difficult to change (奧斯卡形容小蘇額頭上的凹痕)
3. best (v): to defeat or be more successful than somebody
4. swan (v): to go around enjoying yourself in a way that annoys other people or makes them jealous
5. amateur (adj): 業餘的
6. "Wilderness Girl troop" 餐廳裡的服務生說小蘇他們的角色,應該是源自於電影 Troop Beverly Hills (1989) 的女童軍哏
7. precocious (adj): 早熟的
好的,故事全都接上了。夏令營的小朋友們都是被選上的潛力股XD 小蘇個性超差的原因也都說清楚了。所以到底要怎麼拯救魔法啦!然後女巫學校的其他女巫呢?