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* 09:03 奶油蛋糕對天鵝說的 "chaet to me, split the difference" 大家有什麼比較好的翻譯嗎?
1. shortcake 奶油蛋糕
2. bog down: to prevent somebody from making progress in an activity
造句:We mustn't get bogged down in details.
3. ruff collar 襞襟
4. stand-in (n) 職務代理人
造句:I acted as Tom’s stand-in when he was away.
5. lounge (v): to stand, sit or lie in a lazy way
6. peachy (adj): fine; very nice
7. prezzie (n): 禮物
8. at somebody’s expense: paid for by somebody
造句:We were taken out for a meal at the company's expense.
9. closure (n): the feeling that a difficult or an unpleasant experience has come to an end or been dealt with in an acceptable way
造句:People who lose family members need closure, not false hope.
10. split the difference: 對分、妥協
11. the worse for wear: in a poor condition because of being used a lot
12. smorgasbord 瑞典式餐前冷盤
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