* 影片超連結
"I want it to hurt." 1:43 掃把講的話,請問大家有比較合適的解釋嗎?
1. pooped/ pooped out: very tired
2. neti pot 洗鼻壺
3. mediocre (adj): not very good; of only average standard (小蘇指女巫學校的學員還很菜)
4. jaunty (adj): showing that you are feeling confident and pleased with yourself
造句: a hat set at a jaunty angle
5. drag on: to go on for too long (這邊形容女巫學校反覆同樣的課程拖延時間)
造句: The dispute has dragged on for months.
6. sloppy (adj): that shows a lack of care, thought or effort
7. Flag Day 美國國旗日 6/14
8. imbue (v): to fill somebody/something with strong feelings, opinions or values
be imbued with something 造句: Her voice was imbued with an unusual seriousness.
9. hyperbolic (adj): 語言浮誇的,過度修飾的 (小睡睡說自己超帥超漂亮)
10. move along: to go to a new position, especially in order to make room for other people
造句: The bus driver asked them to move along.
11. Body odour (BO): 體味
12. honor (v): 對人/物表現尊敬
這陣子等校稿的期前都在看春季新番,超熱鬧的。大家有看天竺鼠車車、工作細胞 BLACK 和進擊的巨人最後一季嗎? (整個樓歪) XD