* 影片連結
* 註:
* 07:59 與 09:38 兩個* 部分,請大家對翻譯與前後文有什麼想法嗎?
1. think aloud/out loud: to say what your thoughts are as you have them
2. suffocating (adj): making it difficult to breathe normally 艾吉豪指奧斯卡有超多信件沒處理,多到呼吸困難
3. blast somebody/something (+ adv./prep.) (informal) to hit, kick or shoot somebody/something with a lot of force 指的是艾吉豪跟奧斯卡一起把待辦事項做完
造句: He blasted the ball past the goalie.
4. canoe (v) 划獨木舟
5. the heebie-jeebies (n): a feeling of nervous fear or worry
造句: Being alone in the dark gives me the heebie-jeebies.
6. intimidate (v): to frighten or threaten somebody so that they will do what you want
7. clear (v): to give or get official approval for something to be done 這裡是指麥斯不被允許做歸還錄影帶的工作
造句: His appointment had been cleared by the board.
8. pick something over | pick through something: to examine a group of things carefully, especially to choose the ones you want 指的是麥斯作為小編的選片推薦行為
9. smolder (with something) (v): to be filled with a strong emotion that you do not fully express
10. dread (n): a feeling of great fear about something that might or will happen in the future; a thing that causes this feeling
造句: The prospect of growing old fills me with dread.
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艾吉豪聽到錄影帶要還給圖書館的瞬間,整個理智線斷裂 XDDDD