
一個月一次的狼人月圓派對開始啦,艾吉豪、小貝和小蘇 ,沒錯還有小蘇,將開始一場大冒險。


* 影片連結


* 註:
1. tie-dye 渲染
2. come along: to arrive; to appear
    造句: When the right opportunity comes along, she'll take it.
3. approach (n): a way of dealing with somebody/something; a way of doing or thinking about something such as a problem or a task
    造句: She took the wrong approach in her dealings with them.
4. all over the place= all over the lot: 不整齊的,雜亂無章的 (小貝形容小蘇屁股隨便坐印 t-shirt圖案,顯得亂七八糟)
    造句: Your calculations are all over the lot (= completely wrong).
5. knock yourself out: ​(informal) to go ahead and do what you want
    造句: You guys go and have fun. Knock yourselves out.
6. fantabulous (adj): 極出色的
7. fondly (adv) =affectionately: in a way that shows love 
    造句: He looked at her fondly.
8. pelvis: 骨盆
9. teensy (adj) = teeny= tiny
10. jumpy (adj): ​nervous and anxious, esp. because you think that something bad is going to happen
11. wild goose chase (n): 白費力氣的追求;毫無希望的追尋 (小蘇說自己被艾吉豪騙得團團轉找不到小貝)
     造句: The police had been sent on a wild goose chase.
12. infiltrate (into) (v): 滲透、潛入
13. mangy (adj): 指動物有毛囊蟲病的
14. rag on somebody (v):  to complain to somebody about their behaviour, work, etc. (小蘇一直咒罵嫌棄狼人)
16. molten (adj): (of metal, rock or glass) heated to a very high temperature so that it becomes liquid 







=========== 分隔線===============

順便幫大家複習一下艾吉豪是怎麼狼化的:翻譯 [Summer Camp Island] EP18 Hedgehog Werewolf

    創作者 karenlin7912 的頭像


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