* 註
1. sentimental attachment (n) 情感上的依附、留念 (奧斯卡媽媽所指的那把叉子)
2. put somebody on: 把電話轉給某人
3. bring something up: to mention a subject or start to talk about it
4. plight (n): a difficult and sad situation
5. stump somebody: to ask somebody a question that is too difficult for them to answer or give them a problem that they cannot solve
6. paleontologist (n) 古生物學家 / paleontology (n) 古生物學
7. dock somebody’s wages/pay/salary 扣某人薪水
8. legible (adj) (筆跡或字體) 清晰的,易讀的,清楚的
9. call for something: to need something 造句: ‘I've been promoted.’ ‘This calls for a celebration!’ (就是奧斯卡爸爸終於知道守衛的名字時,要去喝果汁時用的片語)
=========== 分隔線===============
SCI 的虛擬實境書區大家有印象嗎?第一次出現是在第一季的最後一集,大家去圖書館。愛麗莎就是去找書擬實境書區玩冬季奧林匹克運動會XD
--> 最後備註一下,原則上註釋的英文解釋及造句,都是參照 https://www.oxfordlearnersdictionaries.com/