* 影片超連結
1. Lithophone 石板琴
2. hibernation 冬眠
3. whipped cream 鮮奶油
4. sprinkles: 彩色巧克力米
5. soothe sb: calm
-造句: The music soothed her for a while.
6. pinch sth off/out: 用大拇指和其他手指,一起把某物捏或按壓起來移除
-造句: Pinch off the dead flowers.
7. the whole thing: a fact, an event, a situation or an action; what sb says or thinks
-造句: He found the whole thing (= the situation) very boring.
Let's forget the whole thing (= everything).
8. be into sth: to be interested in sth in an active way
-造句: He's into surfing in a big way.
9. pumped (adj) = pumped up: filled with enthusiasm or excitement
-造句: We're really pumped for the match tonight!
10. jab: 刺拳
12. throw someone off: 形容破壞平衡、潑冷水、影響
11. bagpipes: 風笛
12. fret (v): to be worried or unhappy and not able to relax
-造句: Her baby starts to fret as soon as she goes out of the room.
感謝大家耐心等候到現在,第四季早就撥完了。但 HBO GO 還沒上映......